In another world and in another time sits a house in my memory. In this home, I am learning to tend the garden with my favorite aunt where the pothos plant has climbed up the exterior popcorn walls. It is my favorite plant to water. I love the humongous leaves, the way the plant climbs the house looking for the sun, and how, in turn, it shades the house from the scorching heat. Jasmine flowers bloom by the window, nestled under the protection of the pothos. The inside of the house is quiet and cool, the fragrance of jasmine wafting in. A fan lazily spins on the ceiling, and my aunt and I eat oranges together.
My aunt died last fall, despite her vaccination status. In this world, I am left to gather my memories one by one, acutely aware of how impossible it is to revisit the past in its totality. After all, she is not the only one I have lost to this virus. The last three and a half years of pandemic have wreaked such havoc that 1 in 8 people continue to be haunted by the virus.
The impact is devastating. While I take pride in being the sensual and hedonist entertainer, I cannot fully come back without acknowledging this unfolding disaster and putting strong risk mitigations in place.
To this end, I am introducing several different packages for connecting with me, including virtual time, social outings, and different COVID-cautious tiers (a COVID-FAQ for your convenience).
While I have been under the radar these last few years, I am excited to make a full comeback and connect with friends old and new! If you have not already, don’t forget to sign up for my mailer and subscribe to my Telegram channel. This will keep you abreast of news, tours, virtual offerings, and more!
And of course, book a date