Santa is coming to town!

It was an exciting November! I had a lovely boudoir shoot with Blue Egg and all of you lovelies gave me such a wonderfully enthusiastic response. Truth be told, I was nervous. It took a lot of courage and a good heaping spoonful of encouragement from my dear friend Zachary to showcase my full Self in all of its authenticity - Sarees and a strap-on - a Queer, Kinky, South Asian loving her sexuality and living it up! The experience was wonderfully freeing. 

More on those self-reflections on another date. 

This December, I have decided that it is time I start watching "Sex and the City". Would you believe it but after 10+ years in U.S.A, I still haven't watched the show? (I just very recently watched "The Devil wears Prada" and I think the ending was anti-climatic). I'm going to file this experience away as "cultural education". In the meantime: 

Some Exciting News: My shop is now live! As of right now, I am sending "Polaroids" for a nominal fee. As a fun add-on, you can ask for sensual or naughty love note to be attached to them. Or you can get a fun Jasmine calendar for 2018! So treat yourself for the holidays! You deserve it. 

'Tis the season of giving so consider SWOP Behind Bars and Project Safe for your philanthropy 

What I am listening to: Mela Kariye by Overload (Meesha Shafi)

What I am reading: In an age when we are having to defend Net Neutrality, SESTA is a growing threat to the Sex Worker's Internet. In fact, H.R. 1865 would see sex workers completely banned off of social media.

Where will I be: I'm planning on spending quite sometime in NJ. Don't forget to take a look on my Tour Calendar!

Enjoy my content? Take something off my wishlist as a "thank you".