A quick March update!

This is a short update and for you I hope, a happy one!

I’m (very unexpectedly) finding myself in the Manhattan/ North New Jersey until the first week of May (barring April tours). So what does this means for you?

  • I’m available in the NNJ/NYC (Midtown) area for fun and shenanigans on weekdays between the hours of 8am and 7pm (sometimes later if you ask me very nicely and I find it reasonable). Weekend availability is a case by case basis. For best results, book in advance!
  • Central Jersey (Jersey City and Edison) also gets to see me! It is going to take advanced scheduling for me to accommodate travel and such but I'm so excited to be wooed! Weekdays schedules are 8am - 7pm with the rare late night and/or weekend exception.
  • Don’t worry Philly! (and the neighboring South Jersey/PA suburbs) I’m still visiting you pretty regularly! Book a date for 2 hours or more and let me know at least 48 hours in advance and I’ll see if magic can happen! And I'll be back again mid-May!

Some logistics to consider: I prioritize 90 minute dates or up (I hate rushing you out as much as you hate rushing out!) As always, outcalls are preferred but incalls can be available! If you’re outside of NYC and looking for an incall, please keep in mind that I have a hard time accommodating you between 11:30am and 3:30pm. Hey, I didn’t make the hotel rules. . .

An added bonus, I’m going to be switching on my Niteflirt a lot more frequently for those who’ve missed me on the phone lines. I’m going to be more available in the mornings and afternoons, with the bonus late evenings here and there. Reach out if you want a specific date.

Last but not the least, I have finally made a switchover to a crypted, more secure email (you should too!) My new email is: jasmineisariot@protonmail.com

Stay Sexy!

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