Jasmine Praveena March 3, 2018 politics, sex work #SESTA & #FOSTA Jasmine Praveena March 3, 2018 politics, sex work Turns out sex workers are statistically the best at fighting at sex trafficking. So why criminalize them?
Jasmine Praveena July 19, 2017 Support Net Neutrality, Support Sex Workers Jasmine Praveena July 19, 2017 Sex Workers & other small business owners stand to lose a lot were Net Neutrality to be thrown out the window!
Jasmine Praveena June 20, 2017 Janet Mock on centering Sex Workers Jasmine Praveena June 20, 2017 Janet Mock talks about her memoir "Surpassing Certainty" and the importance of centering sex worker's rights in feminism
Jasmine Praveena June 14, 2017 Uncategorized The Autobiography of a Sex Worker & Other Reviews Jasmine Praveena June 14, 2017 Uncategorized Nalini Jameela is a sex worker activist. Karen Memory is a spunky fictional sex worker character. They were good to read back to back!
Jasmine Praveena June 1, 2017 Uncategorized Jasmine Praveena June 1, 2017 Uncategorized Mixing politics and work . . . .